Ever since the pandemic started, I have been trying to put together a story and present it in an unusual format, unlike the articles, videos or music that we read, watch or listen to. This is how StationRGames would later come to be alive.
If you haven’t already known, I am working together with my team on a 2D narrative platformer game, named Twelve Floors. To kickstart this article, let me introduce myself to get you started.
My name is Ray Low, from a small town called Rawang in Malaysia. You probably could relate StationR to the name of the town — Rawang, or my name — Ray, but I will leave that for another story. I started developing games after participating in a local hackathon. I saw some teams working on solutions that involve gamification and I thought it would be cool to be able to create a world of your own. Right after, I started experimenting with Unity game engine and developed a couple of mobile games, but surely they did not look or feel nice at all. Then, I started planning big. I wrote a short story where characters in the story would come alive through this game. Several months into development, everything seems to fall into place perfectly and I am looking forward to the launch day for Twelve Floors.
But I haven’t told you the reason why I decided to go down this path of game development. The truth is, I haven’t been able to connect well with people. For many years, I lacked confidence and character, and even almost lost my own identity. More importantly, I rarely have anything to share with those around me, making me the worst friend, family member or person there is to be. With this game, I hope to not only bring a story forward, but also to make the first step in becoming a better person. Connecting and communicating with people have always been my weakness, but I hope this will turn into one of my strengths along this journey.
Twelve Floors has always been a story in the making, but to put it in this format and have everyone experience it is a different process. I am confident that along the development journey of this game, the team will be able to convey the message across clearly.
If you’d like to just communicate and connect, send me an email at stationrgames@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram, I’d love to talk. But remember, try not to neglect those around you. See you soon!
Follow us at @stationrgames at Instagram or @stationRgames at Twitter!