You’ve heard how I got started, but you never heard what’s so nice about game development to me. To be honest, it is not that nice at all. If you have heard of game development crunch, I am lucky (I’d like to consider it lucky!) to have experienced this form of crunch in the slightest effect so far. Probably the right topic then for this email should be “What’s So Nice If There Is No Crunch?”, but that’s for another email.
If I have to tell something nice about game development, it has got to be playing God. Nah, I’m joking. On the contrary, game development specifically in an indie team, allows me to juggle different aspects of the game, organize resources, put each and every piece together and finally make the whole thing work as one, which is very unlike God. Each stage is different but crucial, and if one stage goes slightly off, we get the worst reviews in a product.
Fortunately, the indie space is very welcoming of mistakes and though you get harsh comments once in a while, you get learning opportunities most of the time! You can put each and every piece together and it’s all good, but to make the whole thing work together as one is very demanding, and I am trying my best to do just that. At the end of the day, to paraphrase what a famous person once said, I just want to make a game that I want to play. That’s it.
Here’s an odd analogy: Most people play games, but I very much enjoy the process of making them. In fact, I think it is safe to say that game development is only one part of a much bigger process, the making of which I truly enjoy: living.
So tell me, what is a process you enjoy being part of? I’m interested to know!